Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Don't You Sass Me Now Anna Mae!

Ike Turner is dead.

Every time I hear his name, I think of the time I saw "What's Love Got to Do with It?" on television once in a summer house I shared with a gaggle of women.  I didn't really know anything about Ike or Tina Turner except that he supposedly beat her.  So, to be honest, I was really just waiting for that part to show up in the movie because the other stuff was pretty dull to me.  Let's face it, if the "triumphant" part of your story is producing "Private Dancer," the story isn't so good.

So there I was, sitting with about 10 women in the living room, when the first scene of Ike's crazy, violent temper finally comes on.  Without thinking, I cried out with a fist-pumping, "Yes!!!"

Maybe I shouldn't have told that story.


Tony Alva said...

You were in a room with ten women watching What's Love Got to Do with it? Hmmmmm...

Saw ole' Ike on Oprah or something playing guitar and have to admit the guy could play his ass off. You could tell the old geezer hadn't learned much though.

Dave Cavalier said...

It's all part of the Misanthrope's Sensitive Guy routine.

Jackson said...

What do all abused women have in common......