Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Burning Question

California is considering a rather hefty tax on porn.

When I heard about this, it reminded me of a question that is always burning in my brain:

Why are we still producing porn? 

Seriously.  Even the most dedicated pervert, with unlimited dollars and time (and other items, presumably) could never exhaust the current supply of hardcore pornography.  Even if you just start from the 1980s, I am certain that there is plenty of material for even the most outlandish kinks.  Okay, maybe there is a limited supply for the dead nun with Jell-O stump-fucker fetish, but most of what is being produced is pretty much plain vanilla porn.

I don't know why, but I am absolutely fascinated by this phenomenon.

1 comment:

Tony Alva said...

"I don't know why, but I am absolutely fascinated by this phenomenon."

Let's see... You're a guy. That just about answers it all.