Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Seriously, You Have To Be F****G Kidding Me

ANOTHER Obama appointee is withdrawing for failure to pay taxes????

Let's set aside for a moment the fact that it is outrageous that these jerks feel entitled to simply not pay their taxes.  What does this say about Obama?  The man made a big, big deal about his ethics and the way he was going to clean up the mess in Washington, but does he have anybody who can properly vet his appointments?  Richardson?  Geithner?  Daschle? Can Obama even manage to pick somebody who doesn't have severe ethics problems??  And the best part is that Nancy Killefer was supposed to be the "performance czar" who made sure that the government was efficiency.  Of course, it's a joke that a management consultant from McKinsey would actually improve anything, but at least he could find somebody honest enough to pay their taxes.

I figured Obama would run into some problems at some point, but this, combined with a pork-laden "stimulus" bill hated by the majority of the country, is a pretty spectacular flameout after two weeks in office.

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stinkrock said...
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