Friday, February 17, 2006

Looking at the Past

Dresdner Bank AG has released a report revealing the level of its complicity with the Nazi regime. It turns out that the bank had a subsidiary, Huta, that helped to finance construction of Auschwitz. Other parts of the report reveal that the bank helped to finance the SS.

Obviously, it is a good thing for the bank to finally come clean and admit its role. The report, however, should remind those in the United States who resort to Nazi comparisons at the drop of a hat what real fascism is like.

As Gunter Grass once said, "Fascism is always descending on America, but landing in Europe."

[At least I think it was Gunter Grass. I can't seem to track down the origin of the quote.]


Jackson said...

I don't disagree with you on the account of folks eager to label stuff thay don't like (or understand) as 'nazi', but your example here only supports the suggestion that the current occupants of the White House use 'nazi' tacticts. Propaganda can get expensive, one needs some friends in 'finance'.

Chrispy said...

Dave, very often people bitch about the Germans not having stood up to the spread of fascism when they had a chance.

I'm ABSOLUTELY not saying that we are headed toward a fascist state, but at least people in America question their leaders routinely. This is INCREDIBLY important for maintaining a democracy.

Sure they go overboard, and sure the comparisons to Nazi Germany are far fetched. But I'm happy we have the opportunity to make such statements. Who knows what might happen if we didn't.

Dave Cavalier said...

Chrispy -

No arguments there. My point was directed only at those who resort to fascist analogies too easily.