Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Sharia law.

UPDATE: Unlike the Taliban, the new Afghan government responds to the international heat and starts looking for a way out of this.


Chrispy said...

Looks like things are going swimmingly in newly liberated and Democratic Afghanistan!

Great job, everyone!

Dave Cavalier said...

Well, it seems that the Afghan government is clearly unhappy about this, feels the international pressure and is trying to find a way out (unlike, the Taliban with, for example, the Buddhist statues), so, yeah, I guess the new freedom is working.

Unfortunately, it can't yet remove the cancer of Sharia.

Dave Cavalier said...

I had the same reaction! It's possible he is a little unstable. The photo is not too comforting.

Tony Alva said...

Looks like they're going to cut this guy loose...