A few weeks ago I was at a dinner which included one of the propaganda ministers...er, media relations experts for MoveOn.org. In the midst of his other idiotic drivel, he mentioned that Republicans would be surprised when Democrats started attacking McCain on his war experience. He claimed that was going to be a major part of the Democrats' strategy. His reasoning was that it had worked for the Republicans with Kerry.
For obvious reasons, I took this as the baseless conjecture of a political hack. The idea is so daffy that I thought he was joking.
If they are truly planning on taking this tack, watch for a McCain landslide in November. This has to be one of the most foolhardy approaches I can imagine.
Note to Democrats: When one of the biggest challenges facing your party is the perception among swing voters that you are vaguely anti-American, trying to hit a guy who was tortured in a POW camp is probably not the way to go.
Also, if you are going to send out somebody to try this strategy, try not to have him sound like a complete idiot. Fighter pilots in 1967 were dropping laser-guided bombs from 35,000? (Laser guided bombs were not deployed in Vietnam until the year after McCain was shot down.)