Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I feel comfortable in saying...

...that having the flu while in a hotel room by yourself in San Francisco is amongst the most miserable experiences one can have.


Chrispy said...

Sorry to hear about the flu far from home deal. I've been sick on the road once or twice, and it truly sucks.

Order up lots of room service, stay in bed, blow wads of cash on movie rentals, and if all else fails call the concierge and have him send up a "nurse."

As it's SF, be sure to specifiy which gender you want.

stinkrock said...

ugh. it sounds like the worst. I'll overnight you some delicious NYC air and a gallon jug of Hudson River water to get you back on your feet.

Jackson said...

I hope it wasn't Bird Flue, talons are hell on a fretboard.