Friday, February 29, 2008

Misanthrope Comments, McCain Listens

Misanthrope on Wednesday at Instapundit.

John McCain on Thursday on the campaign trail.

Remember that when McCain starts to try and defend "Tales from Topographic Oceans" while campaigning.


Tony Alva said...

This is EXACLTY what McCain should be pounding Obama to talk about. I was howling in Jackson's ear about it while in town a few weeks ago. As a matter of fact, I think it's important that the entire world know what the condidates plans are for Iraq for the sake of Iraq itself.

The sooner the Iraqi government knows what the candidates plans are, the sooner they can prepare for either to win the election. As I've said many times before, NO candidate current or past is/was going to unilaterally pull troops out of Iraq. Damn straight, let talk about it now...

Jackson said...

I think you forget that I'm a candidate, but then again, I'm a commie, and a Krokus fan.

Okay, I'll stop now.