Friday, July 04, 2008

The New York Times Channels Johnny Rotten

Ever get the feeling that you've been cheated?


stinkrock said...

Politicians lie. Breaking news. Someone alert the Bushes, Clinton, Reagan and Nixon.

You hate the New York Times (,) but link to them all the time. Can you write a primer as to when I should dismiss them for being biased and when I should take their articles as gospel truth?

Dave Cavalier said...

It's an interesting brand of political nihilism to which you ascribe, Mike. So, I guess nothing ever matters, politicians can say anything and it doesn't matter ever because everybody does it?

Yes, politicians lie and go back on their words, but the breadth and rapidity with which Obama has been reversing so many of his primary stances is not only remarkable, it puts the lie to his line about "a new kind of politics," no?

Also, I assume you can see that I am not quoting the Times as gospel truth. I am linking to the article because it is amusing to watch people who have drunk so deep of the Obama Kool-Aid suddenly realize that the Hope and Change BS masks a conventional, if utterly inexperienced, politician who has proven time and again that he will throw anybody or any position overboard in the name of his own desire to move up in the political world.

If you pay attention, you will notice that I usually link to the NYT to point out its delusions and its slow-motion suicide as it continues to confuse editorial commentary with hard news reporting. And the Times is paying the price with declining circulation, staff layoffs and a corporate governance fight that has left it few admirers or allies.

You seem to think I am being hypocritical when I link to the Times, but I have been entirely consistent. The news reporting has been heavily editorialized and politicized and it is ruining the brand. If you read the link you just posted, you will see that is, well, exactly what I said in that post.

Dave Cavalier said...

BTW, you forgot Carter.