Thursday, July 24, 2008

We Are The World

This is a fantastic post about the vapidity of Obama's speeches.


Dfactor said...

Indeed - the bloom is dripping off the rose...

Dave Cavalier said...

Hmmm, arrogant, unwilling to change his mind or admit mistakes, defensive with the press, treating reporters like political opponents?

"Meet the new boss/same as old boss"

stinkrock said...

No issue with the vapidity, although the fantastic post is just a used-up McSweeney's meme.

The 'treating reporters like political opponents' point is interesting. My limited perspective of the media during Bush's campaign (or at least the NYT) was to acquiesce and maintain access. A lot of the blame has to be laid at the feet of the press during the last Administration.

Let's see how they cover this election. Obama pissing off the NYT in July is a definite wrinkle.