Thursday, April 06, 2006

Beelzebub is Lacing Up His Skates

Cynthia McKinney apologizes.


Chrispy said...

Well that's good, a little civility around Congress. Rare.

Tony Alva said...

I'll take it, but I'm hoping they go all the way with her. She called a press conference and invite a bunch of fellow conspiracy nutjob political friends and hollywood B stars to come stand behind her, and when they didn't show, she knew she was in deep doodoo. Only then did she come forth with an apology. It's taken her this long to realize that her rediculous racism charge could cost her her seat later this year.

Perhaps I get more worked up about her than most, but remember, I have to listen to her and her dad's crap more often down here in the local press. She is by far one of, if not the stupidest individual to have ever occupied a seat in congress.

You may not know this about the McKinney's, but dad McKinney was one of those nearly indicted pricks associated with deeply embedded and long term corrupt Atlanta city administrations headed by Maynard Jackson and later by Bill Campbell. I can't beleive they named the fucking airport after Jackson. Total fucking crook and proud of it.

Dave Cavalier said...

Circy, shouldn't you be doing your cable access show?

Dave Cavalier said...

Damn, you are a harsh mistress.

Jackson said...

I thought they named the airport after me.....