Monday, December 05, 2005

EZ Pass Hell

Recently, the Misanthrope has been feeling all kinds of frightening, soft, fuzzy feelings about his friends. This past week, he and the 27 Year Old parted ways and his friends have been nothing short of remarkable in their thoughtfulness (shout outs to Grub, Mrs. Grub, Walter & Jane).

I was almost reaching the point of believing in humanity again, when I called EZ Pass to update my credit card information.

I wanted to do this on line, but you need a PIN and I have no idea what my PIN was because I have had no communication with EZ Pass since January 2003.

So, I called. They asked me to confirm the address on file. It was out of date. I asked them to change my address. They said I needed a PIN to do that. How do I get a PIN? They send it to me. But my address is wrong, I won't get it. We can't change it without a PIN. How can I get a PIN if my address is wrong. Can't change address without a PIN.

This went on for about seven minutes.

Long story, short, the Misanthrope is back and he hates humanity even more than ever.


Chrispy said...

First off, let me say it's good to have you back.

Second, I'm very sorry to hear about your parting of ways. I'm happy to hear your friends have been supportive. I hope they've been filling you up with liquor to make you feel better. That's what I plan to do!

Third, the EZ Pass thing is brilliant. Odd how they have plenty of info to keep charging you, but not enough to change how they're charging you.

Perhaps you should try to remember what your PIN might have been back in '03. Bosco? KITT? ABACAB?

Finally, tell me the WMD's have not gone anywhere.

Dave Cavalier said...

Oh my God.

I seriously think my PIN may be 2112.

I still harbor the WMDs. They were mine to begin with and they are kind of psyched at all the attention Dad's been giving them.

Dfactor said...

Sad to hear the news. Hope it's for all good reasons..., Microdot live show mania in 2006?

We'll drink to that and more next week...

Divide and conquer,

Chrispy said...

I, myself, have NEVER used 2112 as a PIN................


Very happy about the WMD's. I expect we'll see them at S&M sometime soon, maybe a littel WMD/BUCK playdate, while the dads work out "Witch Hunt."

Dave Cavalier said...

Chris -

You are on.

Dfactor -

We will drink indeed next week.

Chrispy said...

If that PIN is indeed 2112 I expect a drink as well.