Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Virtues of the Web

The mini-imbroglio over Roger Waters below is an interesting example of why blogs are fun.

The whole thing started out of a comment made in an earlier post where Chris quoted Roger Waters saying that the real test of being a socialist was when the money started to roll in. I'd never heard the Waters quote before, or even associated him with any kind of hard core socialism, but it struck me as hollow because I remembered reading a long time ago that the band had fled to their respective tax havens following the Animals tour. So I put up a snarky post about it and found a link confirming the story I had remembered.

Well, Chrispy didn't like that at all. Eventually, he provided the back up and the details and I stand corrected. I suspect that what happened was that the story of the band's financial woes became simplified into "the band fled to tax exiles."

Anyway, that's why blogs are fun. I story I had believed true for years turned out to be only a partial truth and I got corrected.


Chrispy said...

The irony of the whole thing is that I was the one who quoted Waters' comment about having to decide if you really believe in socialism once the $ starts coming in.

Jackson said...

It's fun until somebody blogs your eye out.

No, it's not.

Yes, it is.....